Welcome to Valgianni
We are based in the Principality of Andorra to help you grow internationally supported by our strategic vision
Here we all pay taxes, maximum 10%.
Andorra recognized by OECD in White List since 2018. 24 countries signed Agreements with Andorra on International Fiscal Transparency.
Geographical position ideal in Europe.
Between Spain and France Only 2.5 hours driving from Barcelona (Spain) and from Toulouse (France). Country of peace, mountains, lakes and with 300 days of sun and a bunch of activities outdoor.
Strong and Balanced Team of Professionals
Only at Valgianni you will find a Unique team of Professionals in Internationalization and in Legal Fiscal Affairs.
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Valgianni offers a wide list of features, feel free to search for what you are looking for.

Countries with Fiscal Agreements Signed

One Office, Several International Relations

Unique Legal and Fiscal Advices


We expand your business

Few taxes, Maximum 10%

Ideal geographical position, between Spain & France

Strong and Balanced Team of Professionals

We solve your problems

Services: Book your meeting with us

International Business Strategy

Advice on Personal Fortune Management

Mergers and Acquisitions

Investors Research

Audit and

Business start-up and launch

Immigration and residence permit

Import-Export Platforms

Real Estate

Marketing Strategy and Implementation

Digitalization of Industrial Products

International Business Networking

Our team

Dr.Prof.Valentí Martí



Kreston Iberaudit

Valgianni has recently formed a partnership with Kreston Iberaudit, The Spanish member firm of Kreston Global.  If you are interested in finding out more about

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Start your Business in Andorra
Andorra unique destination
Why Invest in Andorra
Andorra extrem
M.I.T. City Scope in Andorra
M.I.T mobile data usages
M.I.T City Science in Andorra
M.I.T Smart cities Andorra
World longest tobogan
Innuu wellness Adults
Caldea largest thermal
Final world cup ski
Andorra in winter
Summer Grandvalira
Big Bang Tvshow Andorra
2nd largest Tibetan Bridge
Ordino Solar Balcony 2700m
Andorra gastronomy
Andorra nature

Do you Like the idea of expanding Your Business from Andorra?

Valgianni will help you

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We are based in the Principality of Andorra, with partners worldwide

Plaça Guillemó 3, 1er, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

+376 885050

NRT: L712320U

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Countries with Fiscal Agreements Signed

So far, the Principality of Andorra has signed the following fiscal conventions according to OCDE rules:

24 TIEAs (tax information exchange agreement)
Italia, France, España, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Monaco, Belgique, Portugal, Deutschland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Island, Groenland, Feroe Islands, Polonia, Tchec Republic, Australia, Korea, Argentina
12 DTA or CDI (non-Double taxation agreements)
7 Implemented: France, España, Portugal, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, United Arab Emirates
5 In progress to be Implemented: Italia, Belgique, Cyprus, Netherlands, Austria


At Valgianni you will enjoy the knowledge of several countries centered in few people, due to the Partners´international background in Andorra, España, Italia, France, Switzerland, Mexico, USA, Panama, United Arab Emirates, Russia

We consider it is a benefit to have the international knowledge concentrated in one office based in Andorra, since in one-shot you will get an ample vision of how to solve your situation.

Avoid wasting-time and confusions of asking each country desk the solutions of your problem.


We are strongly supported by ValentiMarti Advocats to guarantee that the legal frameworks and fiscal advantages are considered in Andorra and in your countries.


In addition, we manage the latests trends on business digitalization and its transformation. We have been in touch with the latest telecom technologies and universities to approach and apply the big data science.


We help you to start-up, to launch, to expand internationally or to diversify your company.

We have more than 30 years experience in designing and implementing businesses strategies.


Andorra recognized by OCDE in White List since 2018. 24 countries signed Agreements with Andorra on International Fiscal Transparency.


Only 2.5 hours driving from Barcelona (Spain) and from Toulouse (France). 300 days of Sun and a Bunch of Activities open air.


Only at Valgianni you will find a Unique team of Professionals in Internationalization and in Legal Fiscal Affairs.

Dr. Prof. Giannina Tacca Soriano

Giannina Tacca. Launching businesses & Improving revenues and operations since 1997.

Strategic & Business consulting experiences in Paris, Mexico, Milan, New York, Kuala Lumpur, Cuba, London, Geneva, Madrid, Barcelona, A Coruña, Lisboa, Athenes, Stockholm, Roma and now in Andorra.

MBA from ESADE with an International Finance specialization at Cornell University Johnson School and a Bachelor Degree on Business Administration of Public & Private companies from ITAM Mexico. She has also diplomas degrees on Negotiation from IESE; on Blue Ocean Strategy; and on Prescription Drug Regulations from Harvard. Giannina was honored as Doctor Honoris Causa by a pool of Spanish and Mexican Universities in recognition to her strategies designed for telecom companies.

Started on the business strategic consulting at Cluster Consulting (now Oliver Wyman) in 1997. After one year she moved to Gemini Consulting, where she worked during 8 years as Director of the Telecom Media Practice Strategic Business Consulting.

During 1997-2004 the Telecom Industry lived its international and diversification expansion, while 2004-2007 represented the financial crisis of that Industry. Giannina held Senior Officer Positions at top multinationals, where she had the unique opportunity to led their growth and their resizing.

In parallel, in 2003 she developed and pioneered the Networking in Action Theories. Supported by ESADE alumni and the Major of the City of Barcelona, she held conferences in more than 30 cities around the world. That period helped her to expand her professional relations and networks to diverse industries and management functions.

Early 2000s were the years when the Brand Barcelona started the international growth and attracted talents to the city. Giannina´s conferences were supported by the Barcelona-Mon and Do-it-in-Barcelona initiatives.

In 2014 she started working as Chief Officer at Andorra Telecom, an Andorra public held company that monopolizes the Telecom infrastructure. She led during 3 full years the diversification strategy, the innovation, the competitive intelligence team and started designing, with a refreshed customer-oriented marketing team, a customized catalogue for andorran users. During those years the company made the first move to internationalization by acquiring a percentage at MasMovil and by Financing the MIT Media Lab initiative for the Andorra Smart Country. The company also started the innovation activities by implementing the Internal Innovation Awards and the non-monopoly services such as The Cloud building, The Niu incubator, The e-health and e-home services… The bases for a big data infrastructure were ensured by signing alliances for Encryptation services and Cloud services.

Since august 2017, Giannina is developing her Philanthropy skills on Health, Internet, Economy and Education. She is  Member of
 Eje&Con.org (the Spanish Association for CxO Women) ;  Economic Ambassador for Mexico and Italy at CEA.ad (The Andorra Employers and Business Confederation); Wiwiw.org (The Internet Pioneers, Interesting People); AIC.ad (Association of Information Technologies and Communications based in Andorra); Covidwariors.org (The Association that has quickly interconnected Human Intelligence to fight against Covid19 in March 2020).

There is no doubt that from her business international background, Giannina has strong relations to leverage on Mexico, Italy, Spain, France and USA with the Principality of Andorra. 

Dr. Prof. Valentí Martí Castanyer

Valentí Martí. More than 30 years of experiences in the legal, fiscal and business fields.

He Graduated on Law at the Navarra University and in parallel he reached the Economic Bachelor degree. In 2022 Valentí was honored as Doctor Honoris Causa in recognition to his outstanding defenses of international and local clients in Andorran cases.

During 12 years he has been The General Secretary of the Andorra Parliament and was a Parliamentarist, «Conseller General», for 17 years 1995-2012.

Those were the years when the Principality of Andorra initiated the Constitution and started opening the Principality to more International Relations. It added associations to the centenarian relations of its Co-princes (France President and Bishop Seu Urgell-Vatican) and its friendly neighbours (Spain and Portugal).

Valentí co-led the legal framework of other countries by sitting as a Permanent Secretary in the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, at the Malta Mediterranean Association and at the LatinAmerica Summits held during those 12 years of his Secretariat.

In addition to his international legal expertise, since 2012 he actively participates at the andorran political environment by being the Secretary of International Affairs at the Liberal party (current opposition party of the 2012-2020 Government). During those years, he promoted the new keynesian economics to be ideally implemented in a country like Andorra. It is not by coincidence that the signature of a renewed Keneysian Manifest of the Liberal Parties around the world took place in Andorra in 2017.

Since 2012, Valentí holds his law firm in Andorra, where he advices international clients on fiscal and mercantile activities. He helps foreigners on their introduction and easy immersion to the Andorra benefits.

Amongst his international profile, may we underline that he has strong fiscal and legal knowledge on Spain, Russia, United Arab Emirates, France or Portugal.